♥It's not just comfortable, it's comforting
like how easily you can make me smile
and knowing that if I say I like chickpeas, you'll respond with "I think you're a chickpea"
It's not safe, it's secure
knowing I can speak without censorship
and if I reach for your hand, it'll be there for me to hold on to
It's everything in between talking about puppies chasing rabbits
and our joint hatred for idiot drivers
It's happily stretching out on a couch entirely too small for two people
and arguing over who'd make the better rock star
It's me wanting baby, pygmy elephants and you laughing at my silly requests
and checking out new places together and showing each other our favorite things
These things are what matters
More than the illusion of romance or the mirages it can create
This is tangible
Made up of your lips and my legs and our sweat
Made up of Chip and Mandarin House and wiping chocolate off Rand's face
Made up of Woot shirts and How I Met Your Mother and The Wire
Made up of little notes on mirrors and "mix tapes"
Made up of shared frustrations and optimistic resolutions
Everyone knows I'd rather live on a cloud,
but I'm glad I at least get to share Reality with you